Read testimonials from authors, CEOs, senior leaders and more!
Other Senior Leaders
Dr. Tiffany Dotson
VP, Head of Enterprise Learning & Development
Liberty Mutual Insurance
"Useful insights and practical framework for determining leadership potential (backed by science)! Dr. Janson offers a more thorough and contemporary way to examine the notion of leadership potential at various leadership levels. CEOs, Executives, HR professionals, Executive Coaches, Leadership Scholars and Business Leaders will all benefit from the clear criteria for identifying high potential talent and recommended applications."
Other Senior Leaders
Michael Graziano
Founder & CEO
Mindful Media
"Dr. Kimberly Janson never ceases to amaze me with her profound work ethic. She’s up at 4 am with a smile. By the time you’re finishing your morning coffee, she’s on her 8th call of the day with 15 more to go. There’s no surprise Fortune 500 companies look to Kim to help establish their culture starting with top executives and rippling through the entire organization. She’ll get the most out of your multinational company the same way she does her 2000 horses – with ease, poise, and power. Her latest work, Determining Leadership Potential: Powerful Insights to Winning at the Talent Game, is a terrific manifestation of thought leadership on a crucial topic! It’s worth the read!"
Dr. Eugene Wilkerson
NCU Interim Co-President and CEO, Dean and Professor
NCU School of Business
"At a time when we are struggling with the “great resignation” many businesses are struggling to retain talent. Organizations must identify the right leaders who can see through the fog, lead through disruption, and provide compelling engagement for all employees. Dr. Janson and Dr. Rawlings have authored a timely and relevant book designed for organizational thought leaders."
Arne J. Almquist, Ph.D.
Vice President for Information Management and Decision Support
Lamar University, Beaumont, Texas
"As is shockingly apparent, we are facing a leadership crisis—in business, government, education—in short, in all fields. In their new book, DLP – The Book: Powerful Insights to Winning at the Talent Game, authors Kim Janson and Melody Rawlings ask the obvious question: are we putting the proper people into leadership roles, and if not, how can we better select those with the best potential to become good leaders? Based on the 'Leadership Blueprint' and three research studies conducted in support of the book, the authors provide the reader with a compelling and practical guide to the critical process of selecting a leader."
Julia Stewart
Founder & CEO
"Determining Leadership Potential: Powerful Insights to Winning at the Talent Game is a timely examination of the alarming dearth of successful leaders. It is a well-researched and insightful study which sheds light on a proven and very practical approach for assessing leadership potential."
Barry Z. Posner, Ph.D.
- Endowed Professor of Leadership
- Chair, Department of Management & Entrepreneurship
- Leavey School of Business, Santa Clara University
- Co-author of the best-selling and award-winning book: The Leadership Challenge
Professor, Department Chair & Author
"Goes beyond offering a compelling case for being intentional about developing leadership potential and provides actionable insights and steps for doing so. Well-researched and full of practical examples."
Michael Ferry
SVP & Head of Global Development
Welltower Inc.
"Determining Leadership Potential: Powerful Insights to Winning at the Talent Game is another must read from Kim Janson for anyone who is interested in leading or developing high performing organizations. In her characteristic candid, simple, and direct style, Kim provides a powerful framework for determining leadership potential that is broadly adaptable to a wide range of organizational levels and jobs."
Niren Chaudhary
Panera Bread
"One of the hardest things to do for a coach is to assess the potential of his coaches and then grow and develop them to exceed the same! Dr Janson’s book outlines an effective way to approach this challenge."
Other Senior Leaders
Allan H. Church, Ph.D.
SVP Global Talent Management
PepsiCo, Inc.
"Most executives and HR professionals believe they know leadership potential when they see it – unfortunately they are often wrong and the consequences of poor leadership can be devastating on the business. In Determining Leadership Potential: Powerful Insights to Winning at the Talent Game, Janson and Rawlings present a compelling case for change and offer a comprehensive, actionable and much needed guide for raising the bar on talent. If you truly care about identifying strong leaders for the future of your business, you need this book by your side."
Lisa R. Cohn
President & General Counsel
AIR Communities
"'If it weren’t for the people, it’d be easy,' a joking lamentation too often uttered when outcomes aren’t as intended. Well, we can’t assume away the challenges…and, as we know, it’s the people – or more precisely the right leaders in the right roles – that enable and drive success. Sounds simple, but as Kim and Melody describe, we make it much too difficult. We are less systematic about leadership selection than about just about anything else in our business world! And, yet leadership selection is a fundamental difference maker. In Kim’s characteristic manner, this book pulls back the curtain on this pervasive shortcoming, shown us the consequences, and challenges us to do better. And, because Kim is all about 'unleashing potential,' the book clearly sets forth an actionable framework to make real this mission critical work. After this, we have no excuses!"
Ken Lizotte CMC
Author of The Expert’s Edge: Become the Go-To Authority People Turn To Every Time
Chief Imaginative Officer (CIO) & Author
emerson consulting group inc.
"In a global business world containing, as the authors of this book out it, 'amazing leaders,' why do we also come across so many “mismatched leaders” and just plain poor ones? Obviously, there’s a problem here that needs to be resolved and this book will enable that to begin happening. The authors have researched this problem thoroughly, extracting from their research not only insights but a plan of effectual action. It’s time for companies to start resolving this problem now! Read this book and learn from it … and take action!"
Suzanne Bates
Author of All the Leader You Can Be: The Science of Achieving Extraordinary Executive Presence and Speak Like a CEO
Managing Director, Partner & Author
"This book mirrors my own experiences working with business leaders and recognizing that serious mistakes are often made when choosing a new CEO or other person-at-the-top. Anything that can add to the discussion of how to change all that is welcome. Chock full of interviews with major business leaders, this book fits that bill. I have already learned a lot from it and you will too."